Part I: Information concerning the procurement procedure and the contracting authority or contracting entity

Information about publication

For procurement procedures in which a call for competition has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union, the information required under Part I will be automatically retrieved, provided that the electronic ESPD-service is used to generate and fill in the ESPD. Reference of the relevant notice published in the Official Journal of the European Union:
In case publication of a notice in the Official Journal of the European Union is not required, please give other information allowing the procurement procedure to be unequivocally identified (e. g. reference of a publication at national level)

Identity of the procurer

Information about the procurement procedure

Part II: Information concerning the economic operator

A: Information about the economic operator

Yes No
Yes No

Yes No     
  • Please answer the remaining parts of this Section, Sections B and, where relevant, C of this Part, complete Part V, where applicable, and, in any case, fill in and sign Part VI.
Yes No
  • In addition, please complete the missing information in Part IV, Sections A, B, C or D as the case may be ONLY if this is required in the relevant notice or procurement documents
Yes No

Yes No
  • Please ensure that the others concerned provide a separate ESPD form.

B: Information about representatives of the economic operator #1

  • Where applicable, please indicate the name(s) and address(es) of the person(s) empowered to represent the economic operator for the purposes of this procurement procedure:

C: Information about reliance on the capacities of other entities

Yes No
  • Please provide a separate ESPD form setting out the information required under Sections A and B of this Part and Part III for each of the entities concerned, duly filled in and signed by the entities concerned.

    Please note that this should also include any technicians or technical bodies, not belonging directly to the economic operator's undertaking, especially those responsible for quality control and, in the case of public works contracts, the technicians or technical bodies upon whom the economic operator can call in order to carry out the work.

    Insofar as it is relevant for the specific capacity or capacities on which the economic operator relies, please include the information under Parts IV and V for each of the entities concerned.

D: Information concerning subcontractors on whose capacity the economic operator does not rely

  • (Section to be filled-in only if this information is explicitly required by the contracting authority or contracting entity.)
Yes No
  • If the contracting authority or contracting entity explicitly requests this information in addition to the information under Part I, please provide the information required under Sections A and B of this Part and Part III for each of the (categories of) subcontractors concerned.